Luxury villa de vanzare in Pipera cu 3 locuri de parcare si curte INCLUSE
Proprietatea prezentata face parte dintr-un complex rezidential de case, situat in Pipera, langa cele mai bune scoli internationale, la doar 200 de metri de Scoala Americana. Complexul rezidential Bonton Luxury Villas va ofera unele dintre cele mai mari locuinte existente pe piata, care vor asigura confortul intregii familii.
In acelasi timp, Bonton Luxury Villas ofera acces rapid la centre comerciale precum Baneasa Shopping City, Pipera, Voluntari si zonele de birouri Aurel Vlaicu, precum si la centrul capitalei si Aeroportul International "Henri Coanda".
Datorita pozitiei sale unice si a facilitatilor premium, Bonton Luxury Villas este complexul rezidential ideal pentru cei care isi doresc o locuinta spatioasa, care sa le depaseasca toate asteptarile, precum si pentru cei care doresc sa faca o investitie sigura.
Vila P+2E cu terasa este compartimentata astfel:
Parter: living si zona de dining cu acces pe terasa din gradina, bucatarie si o baie
Etaj 1: 4 dormitoare cu dressinguri si 2 bai
Etaj 2: dormitor matrimonial cu baie si doua dressinguri si un birou cu o terasa de 25 mp
Suprafata construita: 353 mp (incluzand terasele)
Suprafata utila: 293 mp (include terasele)
Terase: 46 mp
Amprenta la sol: 114.15 mp
Sistem de incalzire in pardoseala de la Purmo, centrala termica Viessmann pentru fiecare locuinta si termostat de control al temperaturii pentru fiecare camera in parte.
Vila este de tip duplex, ambele parti fiind disponibile la pretul de vanzare de euro, TVA inclus. Se vinde partial mobilata si beneficiaza de 3 locuri de parcare supraterane, incluse in pret.
Pentru detalii sau vizionari, nu ezitati sa ne contactati!
Luxury villa for SALE in Pipera with 3 parking spaces and yard INCLUDED
The presented house is part of a residential complex of houses, located in Pipera, near the best international schools, just 200 meters from the American School. The Bonton Luxury Villas residential complex offers you some of the largest homes on the market, ensuring comfort for the whole family.
At the same time, Bonton Luxury Villas provides quick access to shopping centers such as Baneasa Shopping City, Pipera, Voluntari, and the Aurel Vlaicu office areas, as well as to the city center and the "Henri Coanda" International Airport.
Thanks to its unique positioning and premium amenities, Bonton Luxury Villas is the ideal residential complex for those looking for a spacious home that will exceed all their expectations, as well as for those seeking a safe investment.
The P+2E villa with terrace is divided as follows:
Ground floor: living room and dining room with access to the garden terrace, kitchen, and one bathroom
First floor: 4 bedrooms with dressing rooms and 2 bathrooms
Second floor: master bedroom with bathroom and two dressing rooms, plus an office with a 25 sqm terrace
Built area: 353 sqm (including terraces)
Usable area: 293 sqm (including terraces)
Terraces: 46 sqm
Floor footprint: 114.15 sqm
Underfloor heating system from Purmo, Viessmann heating unit for each home, and a temperature control thermostat for each individual room.
The villa is a duplex type, both parts being available at the sale price of 550,000 euros, VAT included. It comes partially furnished and with 3 overground parking spaces, included in the listing price.
For details or viewings, do not hesitate to contact us!
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