Tur Virtual ASMITA GARDENS inchiriere apartament 2 camere loc parcare

Tineretului, Bucuresti
Pret Inchiriere:  450 EUR Actualizat la: 20 Aprilie 2021
163357 afisari

Tur Virtual

Descriere oferta

Apartament 2 camere de inchiriat Tineretului Vacaresti Asmita Gardens + ASMITA GARDENS apartament 2 camere + LOC DE PARCARE SUBTERAN

Oferta exclusiva GALAXYIMOB
Avem cheile proprietatii!

Daca ar fi sa incep o scurta povestioara despre acest apartament, va spun sincer ca nu va fi scurta :P, de ce spun asta?! Ei bine hai sa incep cu proprietarul, este proprietarul ideal, acela care nu te va stresa cu prezenta, deoarece nu se afla pe plaiurile noastre :) (o voi face eu daca va fi cazul si asta doar pentru ca am accordul lui, dar nici eu nu sunt OMUL ala care sa agaseze deoarece la randul meu am aceiasi titulatura ca si tine, cea de chirias deci inteleg foarte bine treaba cu intimitatea fiecaruia).

Daca vrei sa locuiesti intr-un complex exclusivit pozitionat pe Splaiul Unirii cu vedere superba asupa Deltei Naturale Vacaresti atunci acesta este apartamentul ideal.

Cu o compartimentare de tip semidecomandat, suprafata de aproximativ 102 mp (terasa inclusa), apartamentul are in componenta sa un living room spatios cu bucatarie open space si spatiu de dining, dormitor, baie, hol si terasa pe toata suprafata apartamentului cu iesire din fiecare camera.

Living room mobilat cu mobilier media, coltar extensibil, masa de dinning si va fi montat si un TV cu diagonala de 102 cm.
Dormitorul de asemenea mobilat cu pat matrimonial si 2 dulapuri unul mare si unul mic suficiente pentru ati asigura depozitarea hainelor din dotare :).
Bucataria dupa cum spuneam este open space si este mobilata, dotata cu plita, cuptor electric, hota si combina frigorifica, cuptor cu microunde, dozator de apa, sandwichmaker, prajitor de paine, storcator de fructe.
In baie va fi montata masina de spalata rufe si dupa cum vezi in poze ai si un dulapior in care sa ascunzi diverse.

vei scapa de stresul dezapezirii masini in iarna asta si iarna ce va urma deoarece asa cum spuneam ai asigurat un LOC DE PARCARE SUBTERAN.

Apartamentul este pozitionat in Asmita Gardens la etajul 3 al celui mai inalt bloc din acest complex 25 de nivele, piscina interioara, sala de fitness si spa, mini market "la doi pasi", accesul in complex se face pe baza de cartela, spatii verzi si sa nu uitam de Delta Vacaresti.

De asemenea imobilul este dotat dotat cu lift performant (nici nu te dezmeticesti bine si ai ajus la etajul la care doresti, paza 24/24), centrala de bloc, aer conditionat (ventiloconvectoare), parcare subterana etc.

Descriere complex
Asmita Gardens este un complex rezidential in Bucuresti, in apropierea intersectiei dintre Calea Vacaresti cu Splaiul Unirii, Mall Sun Plazza, Metrou Mihai Bravu (10 min de mers pe jos) si Piata Sudului (25 de minute de mers pe jos), Statie RATB in fata complexului, Parcul Tineretului etc.

Pret 450 euro/luna
Modalitate de inchiriere 1 luna avans + 1 luna garantie

Pentru mai multe detalii legate de aceasta proprietate nu ezitati sa ma contactati la numarul de telefon afisat.

Multumesc si te astept la vizionare.


Apartment with 2 rooms for rent Tineretului - Vacaresti - Asmita Gardens

If I were to start a short story about this apartment, I would say frankly that it will not be short one: P, why do I say that?! Well, let's start with the owner; it is the ideal owner ... who will not stress you with surprises visits because he is not in our lands :) (I will do it, if it is the case and that's just and when he will say. I'm not the person who gets stuck every month because I have the same title as you, the tenant, so I understand the job with the privacy of everyone).

If you want to live in an exclusive complex situated on Splaiul Unirii with superb views of the Natural Delta Vacatresti Delta, then this is the ideal apartment.

With a semi-detached partitioning, surface of approximately 102 sqm (terrace included), the apartment has a spacious living room with open space kitchen and dining space, bedroom, bathroom, hall and terrace on the whole surface of the apartment with a door of each room.

Living room furnished with media furniture, extendible corner, dining table and a TV with a diagonal of 102 cm (I know you not saw it in pictures, but it's on the way, it was ordered).

The bedroom is also furnished with a double bed and 2 cabinets one large and small one enough to ensure the storage of your clothes.

The kitchen, as I said, is a open space and is furnished, equipped with a hob, electric oven, hood and refrigerator, microwave oven, water dispenser, sandwich maker, toaster, fruit juicer.

The bathroom will be fitted with a washing machine and, as you can see in the pictures and a cabinet in where you can hide various stuf.

I forgot to tell you that you also have a PARKING LOCATION at UNDERGROUND, right? You have, you will get rid of the stress of snowing cars in the winter and winter.

The apartment is located in Asmita Gardens on the 3rd floor of the tallest block of this 25-storey complex, the indoor pool, fitness and spa, mini-market "two-step", access to the complex is based on card, green spaces and let's not forget about Delta Vacaresti.

Also, the building is equipped with a high-lift (do not dine well and you have reached the floor you want, 24/24 guard), block, air conditioning, underground parking, etc.

Complex description
Asmita Gardens is a residential complex in Bucharest, near the intersection between Calea Vacaresti and Splaiul Unirii, Sun Plazza Mall, Mihai Bravu Metro (10 minutes walk) and South Market (25 minutes walk), RATB Station the front of the complex, the Youth Park, etc.
Price 550 euros/month

Way of renting
Rent 1 month advance + 1 month warranty

For more details about this property do not hesitate to contact me at the displayed phone number.

Informatii eficienta energetica
Clasa energetica: A
Consumul de energie primara: 1212.43
Indicele de emisii echivalent CO2: 17.08
Consum de energie din surse regenerabile:0


  • Tip oferta: apartament
  • Numar camere: 2
  • Anul constructiei: 2007
  • Pret Inchiriere: 450 EUR  
  • Suprafata utila: 75 mp
  • Suprafata construita: 102 mp
  • Confort: 1
  • Compartimentare: semidecomandat
  • Structura Imobil: beton
  • Tip tranzactie: Inchiriere
  • Numar bai: 1
  • Numar Balcoane: 1
  • Etaj: 3
  • Total etaje: 15
  • Parcare: Subterana
  • Locuri de parcare: 1
  • Incalzire: Centrala de imobil


Pozitionare pe Harta

Pretul pietei apartament de inchiriat 2 camere Tineretului

450 EUR

Pretul mediu este de: 465.35 EUR

6.00 EUR/mp

Pretul mediu/mp este de: 8.38 EUR
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