Descriere oferta
Apartamentul propus spre inchiriere este situat stradal pe blvd Libertatii in apropiere de Casa Poporului si piata Constitutiei.
Initial au fost 4 camere, acum au ramas 3, livingul este spatios, in jur de 28mp, dormitor matrimonial de 22mp, 2 bai, bucatarie semideschisa- complet mobilata si utilata, vedere mixta.
Se inchiriaza complet mobilat si utilat, vedere frumoasa deschisa spre Casa Poporului.
Proposed apartment for rent is located on blvd Liberty Street near People House and the Constitution Square.
Originally there were four rooms now stayed 3 is spacious living room , around 28mp , 22mp master bedroom , 2 bathrooms, fully furnished and equipped semideschisa- , mixed view .
It is fully furnished and equipped, beautiful views open to the People's House .
Pretul pietei apartament de inchiriat 3 camere Unirii
900 EUR
Pretul mediu este de: 684.22 EUR
9.00 EUR/mp
Pretul mediu/mp este de: 7.94 EUR