Inchiriere vila,5 camere,Paulesti.Rental house, 5 rooms, near Ploiesti

Paulestii Noi
Pret Inchiriere:  700 EUR Actualizat la: 3 Mai 2020
15751 afisari

Descriere oferta

Inchiriere casa 5 camere, in Paulesti, la 5 km de Ploiesti, amplasata stradal, avand ca vecinatati si puncte de interes: case/vile, Sky Center, Schnitzel House, statii pentru mijloace de transport in comun.
Casa are structura P+1+M, compartimentarea fiind urmatoarea:
Parter: living, bucatarie, baie, camera tehnica;
Etaj: 4 dormitoare, 2 bai, 2 balcoane;
Mansarda: open space.
Imobilul are o suprafata de 380 mp, a fost finalizat in anul 2002 si dispune de urmatoarele finisaje: marmura, gresie, faianta, parchet laminat, tamplarie PVC cu geam termopan.
Terenul de care beneficiaza casa are suprafata de 800 mp si include 2 terase cu suprafata de 100 mp.
Incalzirea se realizeaza prin 2 centrale termice, corespunzatoare incalzirii prin pardoseala si incalzirii prin calorifere.
Casa se inchiriaza complet mobilata si utilata, la un cost al chiriei de 700 euro lunar, o luna avans plus 2 luni garantie.

Rental house 5 rooms, in Paulesti, 5 km from Ploiesti, located on the main street, with the neighborhoods and points of interest: houses / villas, Sky Center, Schnitzel House, stations for means of transportation.
The house has the structure of P + 1 + M, compartmentalization is as follows:
Ground floor: living room, kitchen, bathroom, technical room;
Floor: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 balconies;
Attic: open space.
The building has an area of 380 square meters, was completed in 2002 and has the following finishes: marble, tiles, laminate flooring, PVC double glazing.
The land for the house has 800 sqm and includes 2 terraces with 100 square meters.
The heating is done by two boilers, floor heating and heating radiators.
The house is rented fully furnished and equipped at a cost of rent of 700 euros a month plus 2 months warranty advance.


Rental house 5 rooms, in Paulesti, 5 km from Ploiesti, located on the main street, with the neighborhoods and points of interest: houses / villas, Sky Center, Schnitzel House, stations for means of transportation.
The house has the structure of P + 1 + M, compartmentalization is as follows:
Ground floor: living room, kitchen, bathroom, technical room;
Floor: 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 balconies;
Attic: open space.
The building has an area of 380 square meters, was completed in 2002 and has the following finishes: marble, tiles, laminate flooring, PVC double glazing.
The land for the house has 800 sqm and includes 2 terraces with 100 square meters.
The heating is done by two boilers, floor heating and heating radiators.
The house is rented fully furnished and equipped at a cost of rent of 700 euros a month plus 2 months warranty advance.


  • Tip oferta: case / vile
  • Numar camere: 5
  • Deschidere: 16
  • Numar Fronturi: 1
  • Anul constructiei: 2002
  • Pret Inchiriere: 700 EUR  
  • Suprafata utila: 380 mp
  • Suprafata construita: 430 mp
  • Suprafata teren: 800 mp
  • Confort: Lux
  • Compartimentare: decomandat
  • Structura Imobil: caramida
  • Tip tranzactie: Inchiriere
  • Numar bai: 3
  • Numar Balcoane: 2
  • Total etaje: 1
  • Orientare: Est
  • Parcare: In Curte
  • Locuri de parcare: 2
  • Numar Terase: 2
  • Suprafata Terase: 100 mp
  • Incalzire: Centrala proprie


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