Inchiriere apartament 2 camere Nerva Traian New Time Residence

Nerva Traian, Bucuresti
Pret Inchiriere:  600 EUR Actualizat la: 3 Mai 2022
871 afisari

Descriere oferta

Tur virtual3D interactiv(in curand)
PRIMA inchiriere apartament 2 camere decomandat NERVA TRAIAN - NEW TIME RESIDENCE
Bine ai venit in locul care iti va fi casa in urmatorul an sau de ce nu urmatorii ani, incep prin a te ruga sa ai rabdare doar 3 minute sa citesti scurta mea povestioara.
Stiu ca iti doresti un loc care sa te reprezinte si in care sa iti poti gasi linistea dupa o zi de munca.
Ei bine ai nimerit exact unde trebuie, de ce spun asta? sunt sigura ca inainte sa revi asupra textului de prezentare ai dat un ochi pe poze, si te-a cucerit desingul si caldura emanata, dar sa vezi cum te vei simti cand vei veni la vizionare.
Incep prin ati spune ca proprietarii nu au facut rabat la calitate si costuri in cea ce priveste amenajarea, utilarea si desingul, te vei bucura de o coloborare cu 2 oameni minunati, care pe langa faptul ca au ales cu foarte multa grija intreg mobilierul au gandit ca fiecare spatiu sa fie util.
O parte din mobilier a fost facut pe comanda, o parte a fost cumparat din magazine de specialitate. Utilat cu plita pe gaz, cuptor electric, hota telescopica, cuptor cu microunde, frigider cu combina frigorifica, masina de spalat rufe, centrala termica proprie, aer conditionat si daca ai nevoie de TV va fi cumparat unul pentru Living room.
Ne vom intali in fata blocului si vom urca la etajul 8, cu liftul, si de cum vei pasi iti vei da seama ca este locul perfect pentru tine, deoarece compartimentarea acestui apartament este de tip decomandata si are o suprafata de aproximativ 65 mp. Acesta este compus din 1 living room spatios, 1 dormitor, 1 hol, 1 baie, 1 bucatarie si 1 balcon.
Conpartimentarea interioara este din zidarie de tip BCA de 10 cm, placarea pardoselilor din dormitor si living este cu parchet dublu stratificat de culoarea crem, holul, baia si bucataria cu placi de marmura murale. Pentru balcon a fost folosita placa de ceramica pentru exterior (rezistenta la inghet) si strat de uzura antiderapant. Pereti din baie de asemenea sunt placati cu placi de marmura murale. Tamplaria de exterior este realizata din profile PVC cu geam termopan cu 6 camere. Usile de interior sunt de tip celulare finisate cu furnir pline. Usa de la intrarea in apartament e metalica cu inchidere multipunct prevazuta cu vizor pentru ati asigura siguranta de care ai nevoie.
Vom incepe prezentarea cu LIVING ROOMUL unde te vei putea relaxa pe canapea sau pe fotoliul din fata mobilierului media, pe care va fi montat TV-ul. In continuarea mobilierului media a fost gandit un birou la care poti lucra daca timpul de lucru de la birou nu iti este suficient. In partea opusa a geamului a fost amenajata zona de dining cu o masa si 4 scaune care completeaza perfect spatiul. Culorile au fost alese cu foarte mare grija pentru a reda livingului senzatia de spatiu, pata de culoare fiind adaugata cu ajutorul canapelei si a fotoliului, pentru pereti a fost aleasa culoarea alba deoarece albul inspira CURATENIE si SPATIU.
Ne intoarcem in HOL unde a fost montat un dulap cu cuier si pantofar.
Hai sa intram in BUCATARIE, ce ai simtit cand ai pasit prima data in apartament va fi complet la vederea bucatariei, o da, ai spatiu, o da, ai o multime de spatii de depozitare, masuta micuta cu cele 2 scaune sunt exact plusul de care are nevoie aceasta bucatarie, iar pata de culoare este data culoarea mustarului a scaunelor. Mobilierul, ei pai aici proprietara a pus accent maxim pe optimizarea fiecarui corp de mobilier din toate punctele de vedere iti voi arata la vizionare de ce spun asta.
Ne intoarcem in hol si pornim incet catre DORMITOR, dormitor ce este mobilat cu un pat matrimonial, 2 noptiere cu sertare si dulapul de tip dressing cu usi glisante, pata de culoare din acest spatiu este data de inseritile fine colorate ale covorasului din fata patului si de ce nu de draperia de la geam.
Ne indreptam catre BAIE unde dupa cum vezi lavoarul este incastrat cu un dulapior cu doua usi in care iti poti depozita cele necesare curateniei. Pe marginea cazii a fost montat un geam special de dus.
Gata am terminat, daca vrei mai poti vizualiza inca o data pozele si daca esti convins sau daca consideri ca detaliile din aceasta descriere nu iti sunt suficiente apeleaza numarul de telefon si hai sa stabilim o vizionare.

PRET: 600 euro/luna
Modalitate de inchiriere 1 Luna Avans + 1 Luna GARANTIE + COMISION

7 minute de mers pe jos pana la statia de METROU TIMPURI NOI, 15 minute de mers pe jos pana la Piata Agroalimentara Timpuri Noi, 17 minute de mers pe jos pana in Parc, care parc? Tineretului. Numeroase magazine alimentare, unitati bancare, farmacii, scolii generale, gradinte, Universitatea Nicolae Titulescu si Dimitrie Cantemir, vei face fix 7 minute pana la Unirii, cu masina, asta daca vei vrea sa faci shopping in Unirii Shopping Center, sau daca vrei sa petreci o seara la unul din restaurantele din Centrul Vechi.


2 room apartment for rent NERVA TRAIAN - NEW TIME RESIDENCE
Welcome to the place that will be your home in the next year or why not the next years, I begin by asking you to be patient only 3 minutes to read my short story.
I know you wish to have a place to represent you and where you can find peace after a hard work day.
Well you got exactly where you need it, why do I say that? I am sure that before returning to the presentation text you have taken a look at the pictures, and conquered the design and the heat emanated, but to see how you will feel when you come to watch.
I start by saying that the owners did not reduce the quality and costs in terms of design, equipment and design, you will enjoy the collaboration with 2 wonderful people, who besides having chosen with great care all the furniture have thought that each space is useful.
Part of the furniture was made by order; part was purchased from specialty shops. Equipped with gas hob, electric oven, telescopic hood, microwave oven, refrigerator with refrigerator, washing machine, central heating, air conditioning and if you need a TV you will buy one for the Living room.
We will meet in front of the building and we will go up to the third floor, with the elevator, and as you walk in, you will realize that it is the perfect place for you, because the subdivision of this apartment is of a detached type and has an area of about 65 sqm. It is composed of 1 spacious living room, 1 bedroom, 1 hall, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen and 1 balcony.
The interior partition is made of 10 cm BCA masonry, the floor and living room floors are double layered with cream color, the hall, the bathroom and the kitchen with marble marble tiles. For the balcony was used ceramic tile for exterior (frost resistance) and non-slip wear layer. The walls of the bathroom are also covered with marble marble tiles. The exterior carpentry is made of PVC profiles with 6-pane double glazed windows. The interior doors are cell type finished with solid veneer. The door from the entrance to the apartment is metal with multi-point closure provided with a viewfinder to ensure the safety you need.
We will start the presentation with LIVING ROOMUL where you can relax on the sofa or armchair in front of the media furniture, on which the TV will be mounted. In the continuation of the media furniture was designed an office where you can work if the working time at the office is not enough. On the opposite side of the window was the dining area with a table and 4 chairs that perfectly complement the space. The colors were chosen with great care to give the living room the feeling of space, the color stain being added with the help of the sofa and the armchair, for the walls the white color was chosen because the white inspires CLEANING and SPACE.
We return to the HOL where a closet with hanger and shoe was fitted.
Let's go into the KITCHEN, what you felt when you first stepped into the apartment will be completely at the kitchen's view, yes, you have space, yes, you have plenty of storage space, the small table with the 2 chairs are exactly the plus of who needs this kitchen, and the color stain is given the color of the mustard of the chairs. The furniture, well here the owner has put maximum emphasis on the optimization of each body of furniture from all points of view I will show you when watching why I say this.
We return to the hall and start slowly towards the BEDROOM, a bedroom that is furnished with a double bed, 2 bedside tables with drawers and the wardrobe with sliding doors, the color spot in this space is given by the fine colored inserts of the carpet in front of the bed and why not the glass curtain.
We go to the bathroom where, as you can see, the washbasin is fitted with a two-door closet where you can store your cleaning supplies. On the edge of the case was mounted a special shower glass.
I'm done, if you want to see the pictures again and if you are convinced or if you think the details in this description are not enough, call the phone number and let's set up a viewing.

PRICE: 600 euros/month
Rental method 1 Month Advance + 1 Month WARRANTY + COMMISSION

7 minutes walk to the NEW TIMPURI METRO station, 15 minutes walk to the Timpuri Noi Agri-Food Market, 17 minutes walk to the Park, which park? Youth. Numerous grocery stores, banking units, pharmacies, general schools, kindergartens, Nicolae Titulescu University and Dimitrie Cantemir, you will make fixed 7 minutes until Unirii, by car, if you want to do shopping in the Unirii Shopping Center, or if you want to spend one evening at one of the restaurants in the Old Center.

Informatii eficienta energetica
Clasa energetica: A
Consumul de energie primara:
Indicele de emisii echivalent CO2:
Consum de energie din surse regenerabile:


  • Tip oferta: apartament
  • Numar camere: 2
  • Anul constructiei: 2019
  • Pret Inchiriere: 600 EUR  
  • Suprafata utila: 65 mp
  • Suprafata construita: 78 mp
  • Confort: 1
  • Compartimentare: decomandat
  • Structura Imobil: beton
  • Tip tranzactie: Inchiriere
  • Numar bai: 1
  • Numar Balcoane: 1
  • Etaj: 8
  • Total etaje: 11
  • Parcare: Perimetral
  • Incalzire: Centrala proprie


Pozitionare pe Harta

Pretul pietei apartament de inchiriat 2 camere Nerva Traian

600 EUR

Pretul mediu este de: 520.1 EUR

9.23 EUR/mp

Pretul mediu/mp este de: 8.45 EUR
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